The game is full of dozens of mini-games, most of which are too easy. This one, however, gets progressively harder, such that you cannot win. The real goal, then, is to find out the highest level you can achieve before the zombies break into your house and eat your brain.
In a nutshell: your house is on the left of the screen. These vases are full of either zombies or else plants and other things you can use to kill zombies. You open the vases open at a time and see what's inside.
If they are zombies, they will immediately start marching toward the left--toward your house. If they get to your house before you kill them, you lose.
If you open all of the vases and kill all of the zombies, you move on to the next level.
This game is insanely addictive. I'll talk about it more in a future post. Have you played it?
The cool part is that over time, the game throws tougher and tougher zombies at you. There is one in particular, a giant zombie, who has a midget strapped to his back. He takes forever to kill. Another problem: If you hurt him too much too early in his march toward your house, he'll throw his midget across the screen. It lands right next to your house and makes the game far more difficult.
When the game starts, the vases contain one giant zombie--as well as a number of other zombies that are much easier to kill. Once you reach level 10, however, the vases contain two giant zombies. At level 20, three giant zombies. And so on and so forth, with an additional giant zombie every ten levels.
It gets pretty wild. But I've gotten pretty good at it. That's what happens when all of my poker-playing time is spent killing zombies.
Here is a video of a dude who goes through a few levels around 50:
My personal best is Level 57. Yes, I truly have no life.
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