Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Kinked Neck Saga

I suffered a neck kink last week and am still recovering from it.  Apparently, a kinked neck can be the result of me grinding my teeth in my sleep.  Grinding teeth can also cause lower pain and earaches.  I've had an earache for 3 weeks now.  It's finally mellowing out, but last week my right ear closed and my own voice ended up sounding really loud whenever I opened my mouth--as if my stopped-up ear had trapped it inside my skull and it was just echoing around.

I did some searching, and activities that cause me to grind my teeth are smoking and drinking too much coffee and alcohol.  Check, check, check.  I do all of those things.

I went to see a doctor.  Seeing a doctor in the UAE can be a risky proposition.  It can be like going to a plumber for a colonoscopy.  I'm guessing.  Haven't ever had to have one of those.  But if I ever do, I won't have it done in the UAE.  The guy will probably be a plumber.

In the middle of it all, my laptop shut down on me last night.  The monitor flickered for a few minutes and then went black.

Good news is that when I headed over to a computer repair dude that I've used a couple times in the past and turned on the laptop, everything was normal again.

So maybe things are turning up.

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