Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Album Capsules--James Blake

James Blake



I just don't get this dude.  He's reviewed well on numerous websites, and he's got a unique-sounding R&B-inflected voice.  When he's backed by piano, he verges on gospel.  When he's singing over a drum  machine, the music tends to have the moody, haunting sound of dubstep.  But there aren't any hooks.  There just seem to be lots of stand-alone moments when you think, What an interesting voice this guy has.  But where are the songs?  Is this guy allergic to anything catchy?  I guess you could argue that this music is super mellow, late-night fare, and so therefore the listener will be too tired to tell the difference.  If so, I guess I'm just not a fan.  Here's "Retrograde."


  1. I haven't listened to this new album, but his "James Blake" album from 2011 had me thinking similar thoughts. I like different stuff, and quite often enjoy experimental type music, but his work just strikes me as incomplete rather then unique in a good way.
